Sunday, November 20, 2011

Recently did a photo shoot with a friend of mine Elifer Santos ( )

Here are some pics :)

Also.. We are deep into our  CHRISTMAS DREAMS COME TRUE campaign
We need more donations desperately !!

We are collecting donations to support children in orphanages and shelters world wide.

I have this epiphany today.. Realizing that I am here to serve.. life is not about me.. it's about selflessness.
The BEST feeling in the world is making some one smile.. helping some one .. giving some one hope.. INSPIRING some one. 

I think starting with the kids is our best bet.. especially the ones lost, hurting and alone.  We spoil ourselves daily with lattes and lipstick, liquor, cigarettes, weed, junkfood, television, whatever it may be..

Can you find some spare change to send in a kid's direction to make it a Christmas they will never forget?
I think you can.

check out     (click here)  you can donate right there on the info page. 

All it takes is $5 to make a dream come true..  seriously.. give and you will receive.. I guarantee it

Love and Light!

sweet dreams,


Sunday, November 6, 2011

be the change you wish to see..OPERATION CHRISTMAS D C T


Our Story

We are trying to raise as much money as possible in the allotted time to buy as many useful loving gifts to send to as many needy children in as many countries/places as possible.  
We want to surprise children all over the world this Christmas. We want to show them that there are people everywhere that love them. And that even in the darkest times.. dreams can come true.

The Impact

All we want to do is spread love and hope.
 DCT is a baby non profit concept.
 D-Dreams, C-Come, T- True. 

We hope to bring love, inspiration, hope, guidance and support to as many brothers and sisters and possible. 
We want to unite and find strength together, as a family.
The Children are our future!
We feel that as a first project it would be powerful to focus on that.


What We Need & What You Get

Our goal is $5,000 BUT the more we make, the further we go, we have team mates in Jamaica, Africa, Canada, America, Japan +
We welcome suggestions as to orphanages / shelters that you would like to reach out to, this mission is a never ending journey and we will never stop giving and loving for peace. (fighting for peace just seems to contradictory)

Other Ways You Can Help


The images and videos will continue to be updated as we progress so stay tuned!

Here we go!



Monday, October 24, 2011


One of my best girls kidnapped me today and took me out to enjoy the beautiful october weather.

Life has been heavy this past week and she knew just how to brighten my spirits.. SUNSHINE , MUSIC AND FOOD.

I got a text reading simply... bring sunglasses..
so without hesitation, I grabbed my neglected shades and patiently waited

We parked in front of a deserted Fat Burger in White Rock.

The Girls working there were super sweet and seemed kind of excited to have customers..
My Sis and I were about to pop our  Fat Burger Cherries.. and when we do it.. we do it BIG..

$40.00 Canadian dollars later .....we grabbed our seats and awaited our feast.

The milk shakes were TO DIE for.. I had a ?Maui? Banana shake and she had a chocolate... We were in HEAVEN....

then came our Nacho fries.. onion rings and EPIC burgers.. 

shout out to the founder Lovie Yancy.. we LOVE you <3Who run the world???! <3

As we digested and recovered from our burger binge The CUTEST elderly couple took a seat.
had to snap a pic of the adorableness...

Just imagine them back in the day at a little burger shack drinking soda pops.. ha ha .. awe they melted our hearts.

Thankkk you Sis.. you made my day <3

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I just spent like 2 hours watching the old T.V show Dinosaurs by Jim Henson.. HE WAS A GENIUS.. and i Can't believe i never knew that the guy who did elmos voice did baby's voice too! He's this awesome big black guy. I watched an interview on him and he's like yea.. people think i am a football player or in the music industry or something and im lie.. nope.. i perform elmo on sesame street.. so badass.!!

I got warm and fuzzies watching it... I have the night off and a house to myself so I think I am going to go ahead and make a marathon of it!


i have decided to be super slack with my blogging.. this is how i chat with my friends.. horrible spelling.. very few capitals or punctuation.

this is MY BLOG and ima blog how i WANNa! <3 :)  I find a lot of the time when i have an idea or something to say i just want to get it on paper/computer before the next idea bumps it over. 

I have chicken with head cut off syndrome (says my uncle) so i think for me, its more important to just take note of my thoughts/mind before i all together lose it! lol

Oh! also... the other day we were scammed by a computer hacking loser who called saying that windows was being sent warnings from my computer.. it was something like this so BEWARE

If "windows tech support" calls you, its a SCAM

Windows Error Recovery
they called my mama who handed me the phone half way through and  nearing an hour into it i thought.. wait.. they are IN my computer.. my mouse is moving and its not me....

Mom, did you call them or did they call you? she goes.. well they called me.. and my heart sunk.

yup.. big fat nasty scam..

my comp may have lost ALL of my lyrics and beats... uughh
but we will see.

so i am on this little samsung note book that i hooked my mic up to .. and ended up recording  lil sumthin.. check it out :)

you get to hear a little bit of whats to come :)


I have a guitar lying next to me and i want to play with it buut i think a string needs repair.. im bummed.. but realistically i could still play with the 5 other strings because i have no idea how to aaccttuuaally play it yet.. i usually lie it on its back and use it as a drum.. :S

.... olayy

oops i meant okay
but ole ole ole
im going back to my dinosaurs!

love yuH!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

sum tings



Oh man, every time.



@amandasilvera CupCake
Songwriter/singer ♥passion♥patience♥persist♥tatted2thewrist Ilive4u ((DCT))

I dunnoooooooo xOX



@amandasilvera CupCake



Ilive4u ((DCT))



4myowies .../\......

's our
problem freeeeeeeeeee philosophyyyyy


read this. please.


.................................... ! 


these niggas scared the fuck out of me. moving out of nowhere and shit.


@amandasilvera CupCake
Songwriter/singer ♥passion♥patience♥persist♥tatted2thewrist Ilive4u ((DCT))


@amandasilvera CupCake
Songwriter/singer ♥passion♥patience♥persist♥tatted2thewrist Ilive4u ((DCT))


@amandasilvera CupCake
Songwriter/singer ♥passion♥patience♥persist♥tatted2thewrist Ilive4u ((DCT))

Monday, October 3, 2011

So, another sleepless night in Vancouver.
This has been my life story for as long as I can remember..
I just came in from sitting on the deck listening to the rain and staring at a purple sky...
I really want to pray.. I keep trying to talk to God but it's almost like I can't remember how
I have been so caught up in this "career".

 I'm learning so much but it's hard..!
My best girl has left for Africa and will be away volunteering for three months.. so we can't talk a bazillion times a day like we used to.. my Uncle has gone back to the UK after living with my mother and I for over a month and the house is back to what it was before he came.. quiet..

I miss him. He and I met for the first time in years a few months back while I was in the UK for a show put on by some amazing men (Press Play Productions) .. those guys came into my life as angels and took me in as a little sister.. I realize now its been weeks and I haven't spoken to either of them.. much less seen them..

I have kind of hidden out since I returned in July.

This summer took me back to my childhood ways. hibernation..

I have a feeling this post will be all over the place..
which to be honest is where my mind is.

I'm in a rut I think.
I want to do SO much and just can't seem to figure out what the best next move is for me in making the most of my dreams.. my life.

it's like im constantly doubting myself..
I was so confident in what I was doing when I was fighting for some one to recognize me.
Now I have some pretty exciting opportunities and I'm sitting here like..
Amanda are you ready?

Is this even what you really want?

I know that writing songs is my therapy and recording is my escape.. cool.. so make music..But I do this to relate with unite.. to love with people.. to hurt with people.. to rejoyce.. to just feel.
 if I I have what it takes to make music that people will enjoy.. find recovery or understanding in..
.. I need to really get things moving right about now..

I just want to feel like I'm doing something worth while..
I am so more than willing to dedicate my LIFE to giving .. helping.. healing.. loving..
and I always believed I would do that through music.

But this game is twisted.. and the closer I get to what I thought I wanted to farther I get from certainty.

I don't want to be a puppet.. owned.. and never secure.


I feel like God/the universe has sent me angels though,

to show me things about myself. and help me truly recover from my past.

It's down right rude and disrespectful to my friends, supporters and fans who have held me up through this journey to all of a sudden completely disregard everything we have fought for..

 I used to cry.. BEG to god to help me get even halfas far as where I am now.

Yet here I am telling myself I'm not good enough..

this goes against everything I preach.. DCT DCT... dreams come true... you can make your dreams come true.. believe in yourself. find what you love.. what you are good at and do it!

did I let blogs and "dislikes" get the best of me?

Am I kidding myself?

Amazing producers from all over the world are asking to collaborate..
 I'm getting paid to make music ..
 and I should be proud of what I have already done.. but it never feels like enough..

I feel like if I really get to live my dream I need to be doing so much more. . I feel like at 22 I need to know what the hell I'm going to do next!! how I'm going to survive.

I have a possible management agreement in the air which may mean I spend some time in New York..or I may stay here and go to school and put all this music on hold.. ..or what the hell.. maybe  ill join an agency and sing covers at hotels.. I just don't know.

I remember when some of my most talented friends came to that point where they said they were done with music..
 I couldn't begin to understand.. I was like.. you're crazy.. you're amazing.. you are SO talented.. and you love this.. you will never leave it..

And I was right.. I look at the boys I was working with when I was 15 recording in closets with clothing for insulation and no matter how many times they said they were through.. they always came back.. better than ever. I am so proud of them.. they blow my mind they are SO talented..

I just .. I don't know..

and that's the problem.. I just want to KNOW what I should do.. where do I go from here?
working freelance is way too unstable and living cheque to cheque (check) is far too real and drains my mom and I daily.

so.. God.. give me a sign.. where do I go?

I feel like I'm stripping in front of you right now..

I try to maintain that I am more than okay when I leave these doors..
I front like it's all running SO smoothly.. but this my friend.. is a BUMPY ride.

I hear my uncle in my head saying.. "time is longer than twine" ... in other words.. be patient.. which ironically I had to tattoo on my wrist along with two other words to remind myself of some essential characteristics for a dreams survival.

-passion. -patience. and you must --persist"

I'll be in studio all week and I know by the end of that I will be a little closer to sanity.. I have a meeting as well that may help lighten things up a bit..

but for tonight.. I think I'll post this.. and crawl into bed and give prayer another go.

Love you,
